Empowering Muslims to build a
better Georgia

Peach State Muslim Coalition: A Commitment

As a PAC focused on state and local candidates, we seek to empower Georgia Muslim communities through candidate engagement, active participation in the electoral process, and uniting our voices to create a better Georgia for all its citizens.

PACs Turbocharge Advocacy

PACs amplify the voices of our community and the efforts of nonprofits already doing impactful work.

Our Guiding Principles

  • Collective Prosperity

    We leverage collective financial resources and strengths to create an inclusive environment for all Georgians, represented by candidates who champion fair and strategic legislative solutions that cultivate shared prosperity for the entire community.

  • Community Empowerment

    We amplify advocacy efforts by local and national organizations, cultivate influential relationships with elected officials, and empower members of the community to be ambassadors for their communities.

  • Accountability

    We enforce accountability, ensuring the fulfillment and sustainability of goals that are clearly communicated and rooted in Islamic principles of justice, inclusivity, empowerment, sustainability and generosity.

  • Transparency

    We demonstrate transparency in our financial operations and values-driven endorsements, providing the community with assurance about how contributions are used to support candidates, campaigns and strategic policies.

Invest in Your Community Today

Contributing to the political process is not a mere donation - it is a strategic investment in your community that brings returns. Systemic change for American Muslim political interests is within our reach, and we invite you to help make it a reality.